Salman Khan attended Andre Timmins’ birthday party on Saturday night. The star-studded ceremony for the co-founder of Wizcraft International Entertainment, known for hosting the IIFA Awards, was also attended by Chunky Pandey, Bhavana Pandey, Jackie Shroff, Sanjay Kapoor and Maheep Kapoor. Chunky Panday shared a series of pictures from the event on Instagram, giving fans a glimpse of the vibrant celebration. In an extraordinary frame, Salman is seen flaunting his signature casual and cool style with Jackie Shroff and Chunky Panday. The opening frame shows Chunky, Maheep, Bhavana and the birthday boy, while the final slide captures a happy moment with Chunky, Sanjay, Bhavana and Maheep. The side note read, “Happy Birthday to my dearest Andre Timmins. lovely evening.”
Salman Khan has a good friendship with Chunky Pandey and Jackie Shroff. Salman and Jackie have worked together in many films bond, because of, Daring, India And You may fall in loveMeanwhile, Salman and Chunky appeared together in the 2011 film Ready,
Salman Khan is currently hosting the 18th season of the reality show. Bigg BossIn one of the latest episodes, the actor faced off against Ashneer Grover, co-founder and managing director of Indian fintech company BharatPe. For context, Salman Khan has served as the brand ambassador for the brand Ashneer. However, during a public appearance, Ashneer mentioned the amount that he allegedly paid Salman, the actor claims that the figure is false. When Ashneer entered the set Bigg Boss, Salman asked, “I heard you say something about me. You said that we signed it for this much, we signed it for that much. All the figures were also given wrong. Then what is the duplicity? [I have heard you speaking about me. You said, ‘We signed him for this much, signed him for that much,’ and all your figures were wrong. So then, what is with the double standards?]” Read the full story here.
Salman Khan is going to be seen in this film AlexanderIn which Rashmika Mandanna also plays an important role.