Rupali Ganguly has become a household name in the television industry and the credit goes to the beloved serial AnupamaEarlier, she played the negative role of Dr. Simran in the 2002 medical drama Sanjeevani. While Rupali Ganguly received harsh comments from fans for the grey-shaded character, her father was also worried about the negative role. He said, “Forget them (fans). My father is a filmmaker. Papa was like this typical Bengali father. He said, ‘My daughter has become a vamp, who will marry her? (My father was such a typical Bengali father. He said, ‘My daughter has become a vamp, who will marry her now?’)
Often the audience is not able to differentiate between the character shown in the serial and the real life person. Rupali Ganguly had to face a similar situation. Recalling an unpleasant fan experience, he said, “The hate is real. The hatred is very real. Mai and Gurdeep (Co-starring Gurdeep Kohli, Rupali Ganguly Sanjeevani) Once we were going to Lokhandwala market when an elderly woman comes and takes Gurdeep aside and says ‘don’t hang out with him, [Gurdeep and I went to the Lokhandwala market. Suddenly an elderly woman approached us and told Gurdeep, ‘Don’t hang out with her],
Rupali Ganguly revealed during this time TV Actress Round Table 2024Organized by Director’s Kut Production for their YouTube channel. The actress said that the elderly woman told herkamini (Meaning)”. “I cried that day. I felt so bad,” she admitted.
Shivangi Joshi, Reem Shaikh, Anita Raj and Samriddhi Shukla were also part of the round table discussion.
On the personal front, Rupali Ganguly’s step daughter Isha Verma has made some serious allegations against her father Ashwin Verma and the actress. 26-year-old Rupali has accused her mother of assault in Mumbai. Speaking to Bollywood Bubble, Isha said, “Rupali personally beat my mother in Mumbai.” Isha said that Ashwin Verma was “a very abusive person, physically and emotionally.” Soon after the allegations, Rupali filed a defamation suit of Rs 50 crore against Esha. Read all about it here.