Bharat Dev Verma, husband of actress Munmun Sen and father of actresses Raima and Riya Sen, died at his home in Kolkata on Tuesday. According to media reports, Bharat’s physical condition deteriorated after which an ambulance was called to his home from a hospital in Dhakuria area of Kolkata. However, he died before the ambulance could reach the hospital. He was a descendant of the former royal family of Tripura. His mother Ila Devi was the princess of Cooch Behar and elder sister of Maharani Gayatri Devi of Jaipur. Bharat’s grandmother Indira was the only daughter of Maharaja Siyarji Rao Gaekwad III of Vadodara.
Munmun Sen and Bharat Dev Verma got married in 1978. The actress herself has royal connections as she was born in Kolkata to Bengali actress Suchitra Sen and Dibanath Sen. His father was the son of one of the wealthiest businessmen of Ballygunge Place. Kolkata, Adinath Sen. His great grandfather Dinanath Sen was the Diwan or minister of the Maharaja of Tripura.
Munmun Sen came into films after marriage and becoming a mother. He debuted in the 1984 film Inside out. Since then she has appeared in several films including the suspense thriller 100 days With Madhuri Dixit, wounded hearttelugu movie sirivenella, my karmaand more. She has appeared in 60 films and 40 television series. She has also received the Andhra Pradesh State Nandi Award for Best Supporting Actress.
His daughters Raima and Riya have also worked in many Bollywood and Bengali films. Raima was seen in films like Nil Nirjane, Arekti Premar Golpo, Baishi Shrabon, Manorama Six Feet Under, Honeymoon Travels Pvt. Ltd., C/o Sir, Noukadubi, Aamir Amar GirlfriendsRiya was seen in films like Good Luck, Style, Apna Sapna Money Money, Paying Guest, Tere Mere Phereand more. Riya was recently seen in the Amazon Prime Video web series call me baeIn which Ananya Pandey was in the lead role.
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