Surya’s war drama Canguwa Getting mixed response from the audience. On Tuesday, R Madhavan took to his Instagram handle to express his honest and immense appreciation for the film, sending fans into a frenzy. He also shared a brief review of the film in his post and appreciated the team and their effort. The actor revealed that he saw Canguwa Recently at a theater and he was completely surprised by Suriya, whom he addressed as his “dear brother”.
Sharing the film’s poster, Madhavan wrote, “Watched Kanguva on the big screen last night, and was overwhelmed by the effort and commitment of my dear brother..His complete dedication and uncompromising enthusiasm is exemplary and I wish What @ActorSuriya could have done even half of this. A herculean effort by the entire cast crew. It’s definitely a dramatic scene.”
Not only this, the Shaitan actor also added a heart-touching caption with the post which read, “What an extra extraordinary effort by team @kanguvathemovie @actorsuriya”
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The film, released on November 14, 2024, has received a lot of criticism from the audience based on lack of depth, less screen time for other actors and more. Suriya’s wife Jyotika recently defended the film with a long note on Instagram. “I am writing this note as Jyothika and a cinema lover, and not as actor Suriya’s wife. Kanguva – a spectacle in cinema. Very proud of you Suriya, you are an actor and you have taken cinema forward. How dare you dream. Certainly the first 1/2 hour doesn’t work and the sound is harsh, so that’s fair, especially in a film like this! used on 1/2 hour out of 3 hours. But honestly, it’s a complete cinematic experience! The camera work and execution has never been seen before, @vetripalanisamy.
He further added, “I am surprised by the negative reviews from the media and some of the fraternity, because I have not worked at this high level before for the most non-intellectual big budget films I have seen with age-old stories, Where women are chased.” The dialogues are spoken with double meaning and they have the best action sequences.. and what to say about the women’s action sequences in the second part and the young boy’s love and betrayal for Kanguva, I think they forgot to review Time for the good parts. Now it largely makes me wonder if anyone should ever read, listen to or believe them, it’s sad that they brought so much negativity to Kangyuva on the first day, even before the first show was over. Chose (seemed more). Like many group promotions) when it’s actually 3D and deserves kudos for the concept and effort put in by the team to create such a spectacular visual!”
See Jyotika’s post here
The actress ended her note by asking the team to be proud of their hard work. “Be proud team CanguwaBecause those who are commenting negatively are doing just that and have nothing else to their credit for the rise of cinema!” he concluded.