Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman and his wife Saira have announced their separation after 29 years of marriage, leaving the entertainment industry and fans stunned. As the news of their separation spread, an old interview of actor Rahman, which belongs to AR Rahman, has started circulating on social media, offering a glimpse of the couple’s honeymoon, where he claimed that The musician was so enamored with his art that he and Saira slept in separate rooms. Read also: When AR Rahman had said that he wanted a simple wife ‘who would not cause much trouble’, after a sudden meeting at the tomb, mother found Saira
The Oscar-winning composer and Saira revealed their decision to part ways on November 19, citing a huge distance in their relationship which ultimately led to the end of their nearly three-decade long relationship.
AR Rahman practiced Veena during honeymoon
Recently, actor Rahman, who is AR Rahman’s brother-in-law, sat down with Siddharth Kannan InterviewNow, a clip of the interview has surfaced on social media and has gone viral.
In the clip he is trying to explain Rahman’s dedication towards music.
He shared, “I remember, when he got married, he took my sister-in-law to a hill station for their honeymoon. I called him that night; it was 12 or 1 o’clock… he replied, he She was already sleeping.” I asked, ‘Where is Rahman?’ He said, ‘I don’t know’ He was practicing his harp in the other room, he’s that kind of person.
In the same interview, the actor also shared that Rehman likes to be alone, and doesn’t ‘chat’ or ‘interact’ much.
AR Rahman and Saira Banu’s separation
On Tuesday evening, AR Rahman and Saira announced their separation after 29 years of marriage, citing ‘significant emotional strain in their relationship’. The couple married in 1995 and are the parents of three children, Khatija, Rahima and Ameen. The couple requested privacy in a joint statement that was shared by their lawyer.
“After many years of marriage, Saira and her husband AR Rahman have taken the difficult decision to separate from each other. This decision comes after significant emotional strain in their relationship. Despite their deep love for each other, Despite this, the couple has taken the difficult decision to separate from each other as the stress and difficulties have created a huge gap between them, which neither party feels able to bridge at this time. Read the joint statement Saira Banu first announced their separation in a statement, after which a joint statement was issued.
Later, AR Rahman penned an emotional note on It happens. Even the throne of God can tremble under the weight of broken hearts. Yet, in this scattering we find meaning, even if the pieces can never find their place again. Our friends, thank you for your kindness and for respecting our privacy as we go through this delicate chapter (bouquet emoji).” She also added the hashtag ARR Saira breakup, which led to criticism on social media.