Barely hours after composer AR Rahman and his wife Saira Banu announced their separation after 29 years of marriage, bassist Mohini Dey on Tuesday announced her separation from her husband. Mohini, part of Rahman’s troupe, shared her statement with her musician husband Mark Hartsch in a joint Instagram post. ,Also read: AR Rahman writes emotional note after announcing separation from wife Saira; It is said that he was expected to complete 30 years but…,
Mohini Dey separated from her husband
The couple shared a note on Instagram on Tuesday evening, which read: “With heavy hearts, Mark and I announce that we have separated. First, as a commitment to our friends and family, it is our There is a mutual understanding between us. While we remain very good friends, we both decided that we wanted different things in life and a mutual separation was the best way to move forward.”
Mohini said that she and Mark will continue to collaborate on their projects despite their separation. The note reads, “We will still be working together on many projects, including with Mammogi and Mohini Dey Group. We are always proud of the good work we do together and that won’t be stopping any time soon.”
He requested that friends and fans support him and not judge him. “The biggest thing we want to wish is love for everyone in the world. We appreciate all the support you’ve given us. Please respect the decision we’ve made by being positive towards us at this time.” And out of respect for our privacy, we will not appreciate any decision,” he concluded the statement.
Mohini, 29, is a bassist from Kolkata who is part of Gaan Bangla’s Wind of Change. She has performed in over 40 shows worldwide with Rahman and released her self-titled debut album in August 2023.
AR Rahman and Saira Banu’s separation
Rehman and Saira Banu had also announced their separation on Tuesday evening, citing ‘significant emotional strain in their relationship’. The couple married in 1995 and are the parents of three children.
“We had hoped to reach the Grand Thirty, but it seems all things have an unseen end,” Rahman wrote on Twitter shortly after midnight. Even the throne of God can tremble under the weight of broken hearts. Yet, in this scattering we find meaning, even if the pieces can never find their place again. Our friends, thank you for your kindness and for respecting our privacy as we go through this delicate chapter.