An unexpected drama was witnessed in Bhubaneswar on Friday (November 22) when Odia film personalities Bobby Islam and Manoj Mishra clashed outside the DCP office. Their heated confrontation, captured on video, has since gone viral, drawing attention to a disagreement over a movie title that turned into a physical altercation.
Heated altercation is visible in the viral video
Videos circulated on social media showed police officers intervening as Bobby and Manoj’s argument turned into a physical fight. The bystanders were astonished when the two publicly abused and scuffled. One such video, shared by OTV News, highlights the chaotic scene in which police are trying to separate the two.
Take a look at the video:
#OllywoodWar fast tension was at its peak #Bhubaneswar A verbal altercation broke out in the DCP office today when a call was made for an amicable resolution to the ongoing dispute between director Bobby Islam and actor Manoj Mishra.
It is alleged that actor Manoj…
– OTV (@otvnews) 22 November 2024
The controversy reportedly started when Manoj objected to a word used in the title of an upcoming film. On the other hand, Bobby accused Manoj of making derogatory remarks about the Oriya film industry.
“Apparently, the crux of the controversy is Manoj’s protest over the use of a word in the title of a film being made by a producer. Bobby alleged that Manoj was casting aspersions on the Oriya film industry,” a police officer said, according to a Times of India report.
Manoj Mishra claimed that Bobby had used the controversial word in a derogatory manner during their meeting at the DCP office and even at a public event. “I did not attack anyone. Bobby used derogatory words for me, which is why I lodged a police complaint,” said Manoj.
At present, Bobby Islam has not issued any public statement regarding the incident.
The controversy highlights the underlying tensions in the Oriya film industry and prompts conversations about commercialism in the regional cinema sector. Meanwhile, the police are investigating to prevent the matter from escalating further.