Surya’s latest offering Canguva It received mixed reviews from critics and fans. After the film received not so favorable response, Suriya’s upcoming mythological project Ear Reportedly closed. director Bhaag Milkha Bhaag This film of fame Rakesh Omprakash Mehra was being said to be released in two parts. Budget? Rs 350 crores. According to reports, Suriya was set to play the role of the iconic Mahabharata character Karna. Janhvi Kapoor, who made her Telugu debut with Jr NTR Devara: Part 1 It was also said that this is part of the film. She would have played the role of Draupadi in her first Tamil film. Although speculations are rampant regarding this Ear Even after the closure, the makers have not made any announcement yet.
Budget concerts are a major contributing factor to this Ear It is being put on hold, according to a report from pinkvilla,
coming to CanguvaThe action fantasy directed by Siva stars Bobby Deol and Disha Patani in the lead roles. Although the film has been filled with negative reviews, Suriya’s wife Jyothika came out in support of her husband. Sharing the poster of Kanguva, starring Suriya and Bobby Deol, on Instagram, he called the film “a spectacle in cinema”. A part of his note read, “So proud of you Surya, you are an actor and how dare you dream of taking cinema forward. Of course, the first 1/2 hour doesn’t work and the sound is harsh! Flaws are a part of most Indian films, so it’s appropriate, especially in a film like this that involves experimentation on a large scale! N This is only the first 1/2 hour of the full 3 hours. But to be honest, it’s a complete cinematic experience! Camera work and execution never seen before in tameez cinema.” Watch the full note below:
Not just Jyothika, but R Madhavan, who shared screen space with the actress in the horror-drama the devil also highly praised CanguvaThe actor claimed that he was “shocked” by Suriya’s “effort and commitment”. He also praised the “Hercules effort” of the crew behind making the film. Read all about it here.
Canguva Was released in theaters on 14 November. Although the film was announced in 2019, it was pushed back due to the pandemic before being revived for 2022.