Mumbai: After announcing her separation from Oscar and Grammy-winning composer AR Rahman, Saira Rehman has revealed that she has been “physically unwell for the past few months” and hence she “wanted to take a break from AR.”
In a voice note shared by her lawyer Vandana Shah, Saira interestingly identified herself as “Saira Rehman” and shared that she trusts AR Rehman in her life and said that he is a “gem of a human being”. .
In the voice note she is heard saying: “This is Saira Rehman. I am currently in Bombay. I have been physically unwell for the last few months. So that’s why I wanted to take a break from AR. But I would request the entire YouTuber, YouTubers, Tamil media to please not say anything bad against him. “He’s a precious person, the best person in the world.”
He revealed that he had to leave Chennai due to health problems. “Yes, it is just because of my health issues, I had to leave Chennai. Because I know that if I am not in Chennai then you people will wonder where is Saira. And I have come here to Bombay. I am taking my treatment forward. I mean, it was not possible due to AR’s busy schedule in Chennai.
“And I didn’t want to upset anyone, neither my children nor her. But he is an amazing human being. And all I would ask is that please let him be as he is. He’s not attached to anyone, I trust him with my life,” she said.
“I love her that much.” “And that’s all he does. Therefore I humbly request you to stop all false allegations against him. And God bless. And my sincere prayer is that we are left alone and given space at this time, nothing has been officially announced yet. I will come back to Chennai soon. But I have to complete my treatment and then come back.”
“So I request you to please stop maligning his name. This is absolute nonsense. And like I said, he’s a precious human being. Thank you.”
Earlier this month, when AR Rahman and Saira had announced that they have decided to separate after 29 years of marriage.
The award-winning musician took to X, formerly known as Twitter, where he shared that although he hoped to reach his “Grand Thirty”, life had other plans.
The couple, who married in 1995, have three children – daughters Khatija, Rahima and son Amin.