Malavika Mohanan, the rising star of Indian cinema, has been garnering praise across multiple film industries including Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi. Known for her versatility, Malavika has impressed the audience with her powerful acting. One of her most celebrated roles was in the critically acclaimed Tamil film ‘Thangalan’, in which she starred opposite Chiyaan Vikram. Her fiery and magical character Aarti left a lasting impression on both critics and audiences.
In a recent interview with HT, Malavika opened up about the response she received to her role in ‘Thangalan’ and the challenges she faced. He expressed gratitude for the positive reception of his performance, noting that it was one of his most physically and mentally demanding roles to date. He shared, “I’m glad I got an amazing response to my performance. It was one of my toughest roles to date.”
Reflecting on the journey of acting and filmmaking, Malavika stressed the importance of giving one’s best while working on a project. He explained, “Each film has its own journey. The more films you do, the more you realize that the only thing you can do is give your best while working on it – give your all.” , so you’ll have no creative regrets.” He added, “But after that, the movie is really in the hands of the movie gods; you can’t control what happens after the movie is released.”
Malavika’s role in ‘Thangalan’ has been praised for its depth and intensity. As Aarti, she portrayed a powerful, multi-dimensional character, encompassing both strength and mysticism. Audiences and critics alike praised her performance for its complexity and emotional depth.
Looking ahead, Malavika is set to make her Telugu debut with ‘The Raja Saab’, where she will star opposite pan-India superstar Prabhas in a horror-comedy directed by Maruthi. She also has a major project with Karthi in the espionage-thriller ‘Sardaar 2’. With these upcoming films, Malavika is all set to continue her progress in the industry.