Shobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya are all set to get married on 4th December. Amidst all the news ahead of their traditional wedding, the couple celebrated Naga Chaitanya’s birthday in Goa, where the couple attended IFFI 2024. Pictures of the birthday celebration, arranged by Shobhita, have surfaced on the internet and are going viral. Pictures shared by the couple’s actor friend Sushant Anumolu reveal that it was a simple and intimate evening with close friends and family.
Both Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya were dressed in casual attire, where the Made in Heaven actress wore a chic black and white top with denims, and the actor wore a white shirt with denims. Shobhita went makeup-free for the evening and kept her would-be husband close to her.
See pictures here
@iamSushantA Babu shares these pictures while wishing Naga Chaitanya on his birthday#Nagachaitanya #Sushant #birthday #ShobhitaDhulipala #Nagachaitanyasobhita #akkinenifamily
– King Venky (@KingVenkyKv) 25 November 2024
According to reports, Shobitha and Naga Chaitanya are going to have an eight-hour long wedding with traditional Telugu rituals. A source close to the actress revealed, “It will be more than 8 hours long wedding rituals as per Telugu Brahmin traditions, which Sobhita and Chaitanya are going through for their wedding.”
The source further added, “They are organizing a traditional hardcore old school wedding of over 8 hours to honor the cultural aspects and pay respect and attention to all the beautiful details of a Telugu wedding.”
Shobhita and Naga Chaitanya’s wedding outfits were earlier reported, which was revealed by another source. “Shobhita Dhulipala chose a beautiful Kanjeevaram silk saree with real gold brocade while shopping with her mother. She also followed the tradition with a simple white khadi saree woven in Ponduru, Andhra Pradesh, with a matching set for Chaitanya Sobhita is personally involved in every detail, adding a special and heartfelt touch to her big day,” the source revealed.