Mehta Boys Trailer: The trailer of ‘The Mehta Boys’ directed by Boman Irani was released on Wednesday. In addition, starring Avinash Tiwari and Shreya Chaudhary, the trailer of the film gives a glimpse in the emotionally charged story of a father and a son, where misunderstandings, unresolved conflicts, and deeply seated outrage takes to the center.
Mehta Boys Trailer
The trailer opens for a 48 -hour short stay in the apartment with his son Amay (played by Avinash Tiwari) with the character of the trailer Boman Irani. From the very beginning, their fragmented relationship is clear – Buman’s character is stubborn and irritable, while amay is visually distinguished and seamless to cover its bond. Their conversation begins as a lustering banquet, but is soon launched in intensive conflict, forcing both men to face long -term feelings.
The imDB of the film catchs the essence of the Sinopsis story: “After the loss of her mother, AMAY, a struggling young architect is forced to stay for 48 hours, with the person whom he cannot stand – Father. It sounds like a recipe for disaster. Wrong! This is very bad. ,
Boman Irani on Mehta boys
Speaking about the film, Boman Irani shared her personal relationship with the story. “For me, Mehta Boy is a very personal journey. The relationship between a father and a son is one of the most complex and emotionally charged dynamics. With this film, I wanted to explain how the bond between two people who cares for each other deeply, they could be tested for time, misunderstanding and unresolved issues. This is a story that has been with me for years, and I am thrilled to share it on major videos in India and worldwide. I am deeply grateful to talented artists to bring my characters into life with such depth and authenticity, enrich the story in every way. ,
Avinash Tiwari on Mehta boys
Avinash Tiwari, who plays the role of Ama, described the complexity of his character and the emotional depth of the film. “Amay’s character is layered with complications, torn between family loyalty and personal outrage. Some circumstances forced him to an intensive and transformative encounter with his father, shaping his vision again in ways he had never guessed. “He further said,” To portray this journey was both challenging and rewarding. I am proud to be a part of a film that examines such reliable subjects of family relations and harmony. “
The film is co-shared by Boman Irani and Academy Award winner Alex Dinelis. It is manufactured under the banner of Iranian Movitone LLP in collaboration with Chalkboard Entertainment LLP, with Danesh Irani, Vickesh Bhutani and producers with Shujaat Saudagar. Pooja Sarp’s specialty in an important role, Mehta Boys is ready to premiere on Prime Video on 7 February.