New Delhi: Amitabh Bachchan’s prestigious quiz show ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’ continues its grand celebration with 25 years Silver Festival of KnowledgeHonoring visionary people who have rebuilt the digital story. In a special episode, talent and technology combination, Big B welcomed the popular digital creators- Hello Balm, Kamiya Jani, Tanmay Bhat and Adha Raina.
The beginning of this episode, Bachchan, accepting the power of the digital age, said, “The digital world is the state where all the creators are king.” This set a tone for an attractive conversation filled with humor and insight as guests shared their journey in a digital location sometimes.
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A cheerful moment came out in the show when Mr. Bachchan asked in his signature style, “How can I increase my followers and audiences?” How can people around the world talk about me? ,
Bhuvan Bam quickly replied, “Sir, the question is wrong. We are all four jointly 30 million followers, while you claim 37.5 million on Instagram alone. If anything, we need tips from you! ,
Adding fun, he commented, “Sir, you are beyond social media – not a single person who does not know Amitabh Bachchan.”
He further said, “Sir, you are beyond social media – there is not a single person who does not know Amitabh Bachchan. , If you post a dance video on ‘Jumma Chuma’ on Instagram, we will all be left unemployed! ,
As the conversation moved from humor to inspiration, the digital icon shared its journey, which stressed the dedication and creativity behind their success. Entertainment added funny questionnaires and vibrant chit-chat. This episode beautifully captures Amitabh Bachchan’s timeless charisma, which easily connects with India’s digital stars and reduces traditions with modern innovation through mutual praise and shared dreams.
Kaun Banega Crorepati – Silver Festival of Knowledge Sony Entertainment Television on Monday to Friday at 9 pm.