Screen share | Movies that take us to another world

Screen share | Movies that take us to another world

Carrie-Annie Moss and Keenu Reves in ‘The Matrix’ | Photo Credit: Ronald Seamonit

A friend’s brother, who is an assistant cinematographer, shared on his Instagram story how he enjoyed watching science-fi thriller GatherOf course, I had to answer with him if he has recently caught the Tamil film BlackA adaptation of GatherIt seems to me how, in an alternative world, the English film could be adapted to the Tamil film. Eventually, my brain began to tabing films that I had seen on the alternative reality and parallel world for years, and their transport power on our souls. If films were designed to escape, why not to avoid new anywhere?

Wikipedia calls a parallel the universe “the fictional universe with itself co-existing, usually somehow different”. Sub-interactions under that umbrella word such as time travel, alternative history and fake reality. This writer-a sucking for any science-fi that is outstanding for the big daddy of the fake reality sub-style, Mathematics question, Thirteenth floor And gym carrie’s poignant the Truman Show This comes under this category.

Judy Garland (1922–1969), American actress and singer, Ray Bolgar (1904–1987), American actor, Burt Lahhar (1895-1967), American actor and comedian, and Jack Haley (1897-1979), American actor, all dress, '

Judi Garland (1922–1969), American actress and singer, Ray Bolgar (1904–1987), American actor, Burt Lahhar (1895-1967), American actor and comedian, and Jack Haley (1897-1979), US actor, all costume, in a film, ‘Photo Credit from a film,’ Photo Credit: Silver screen collection

Parallel universe is asked to serve two main objectives. There is a possibility of violating the laws of a nature, a fundamental human fantasy, which comes under most of the films of this style-we are watching you, from Liam Nison-Innocent Asan The Chronicles of NarniaThe second one has to work as an early point for the speculative story that ‘what if that incident changed differently …’. Marvel Mineseries with a suitable title what if…? Is an ideal example. In a way, many of Marvel’s recent films and series, such as Avengers: Endgeam, Doctor Strange of the Multivars of Madness, Spider-Man: No Way Home And bottle gourd The concepts of time travel, alternative reality and parallel universe with concepts of the universe in their multivorous saga … were a real multivor until Jonathan Major’s real -life Xinigam did not wish to Marvel.

The world of fictional parallel universe takes new races and a rank of convergence to create an attractive biological concept of convergence development that are sometimes better than human civilization. Stagia-defined franchise Star Trek, Star Wars And Planet All films have such examples such as from Humanoid species to films Avatar To (na’vi) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (OOMPA-LOMPAS).

American actor Harrison Ford, as Hans Solo, on the set of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope Written, Directed and created by Georges Lucas. (Photo by Sunset Boleward/Corbis through Getty Image)

American actor Harrison Ford, as Hans Solo, on the set of Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope Written, Directed and created by Georges Lucas. (Through the photo getty image by the Sunset Boleward/Corbis). Photo Credit: Sunset Boleward

The most famous film to incorporate an alternative universe concept the Wizard of OzIs a personal favorite space Jam Where basketball player Michael Jordan is brought out of retirement Looney Tunes Varna can help them win a basketball match against attacking aliens. If comfort clocks are made for a different list, then mine Pacific Rim Where many Kaiju (demons) run through an interdimation portal to wreak havoc on Earth, only the spacious lymph is brought down by the name jaler by the vast lyrics.

For fans of some and Gambhir, Jake Gileenhal’s source code There is a good place to start with. On the small screen, in addition Star trek And like general criminals Twilight Zone And DoctorSurely the most famous series are from Netflix Strange things And German shows dark,

For those close homes, in addition to a recent hit BlackSelvaraghavan’s Irndam Ulgam And GV Prakash Adia A parallel was played with the concept of the universe. Telugu filmOkek KsamAlfred borrowed heavy from Hitchcock’s film rear windowIt also investigates the concept of a parallel life. In Malayalam, Nivin Pool recently announced that it would be titled Multivars manmahan Which has been billed as “India’s first multiovers superhero movie”.

As long as we can return to our daily life, the credit roll at that moment, until the difference is not a reality, movies are the way to see someone’s idea what an alternative world would look like. Neo may have chosen for reality, but I would probably go to blue bullet!

From the Hindu cinema team, a fortnightly column recommends films and is bound by a mood, theme or pop-cultural event.

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