New Delhi: Bollywood’s Queen Kangana Ranaut has made a big announcement about her film career. She hinted that if she wins the Lok Sabha elections, she may say goodbye to the film industry. Let us tell you that Kangana is the candidate of BJP in the Lok Sabha elections this time. The party has given him ticket from Mandi Lok Sabha seat in Himachal Pradesh.
The special thing is that Mandi is also Kangana’s hometown. Kangana talked about films, Lok Sabha elections and politics on a TV channel. Here he made a big announcement about his film career.
I will do politics only if people join me
Kangana hinted in the conversation that if she wins the Lok Sabha elections, she may gradually leave the film world, as she would like to focus on only one work. Kangana was asked – How will she handle films and politics? On this, the actress said, I also act in films, play roles and also direct. If I see the possibility in politics that people are joining me, then I will do politics.
Justice with people’s expectations
Kangana further said that if I feel that people need me, then I will go in that direction. Many filmmakers ask me not to enter politics. It is not good that people are traveling because of my personal desires, I have led a special life, if now I get a chance to connect with people, I will fulfill that too. I think first of all you should do justice to people’s expectations from you.
Movie world fake politics real
The actress was asked that the life of politics is completely different from that of films. Does it all sound good to them? In response, Kangana said – this is a fake world of films. That different atmosphere is created. A bubble is created to attract people. But politics is a reality.