New Delhi: Recently, a video went viral on social media, in which a 10-year-old boy named Jaspreet Singh from Delhi was seen selling rolls on the roadside for livelihood. The boy took over the responsibility of his father’s chicken roll business after his sudden demise. This touching story gained a lot of attention on social media after it was shared by a food vlogger. In response, Arjun Kapoor expressed his desire to provide funds for the boy’s education.
Arjun Kapoor took to his Instagram handle and shared his plan to fund Jaspreet and his sister. The boy’s unwavering dedication during these challenging times impressed him greatly. He also urged his fans to contact him if they have any information about the boy’s whereabouts.
He wrote, “With a smile on his face, he is facing life ahead and all that comes with it… I wish this 10-year-old boy the courage to stand on his own feet and take up his father’s job.” I salute you for it.” Within 10 days of his death. I would love to help him or his sister with his education; If anyone knows his whereabouts, please let me know.”
Not just Arjun Kapoor, actor-philanthropist Sonu Sood also took notice and immediately extended his support to the boy. The actor wrote on his X account, ‘Let me study, I will expand my business when I grow up.’ Sood tweeted the video and promised that he would help the boy complete his education. The actor also talked to him on call and is also going to meet him in Delhi.
Let’s read it first friend.
big ship will be bigger than this– Sonu Sood (@SonuSood) 6 May 2024
About viral video of Delhi boy
Earlier, food vlogger Sarabjit Singh had posted a video featuring a 10-year-old boy named Jaspreet from West Delhi’s Tilak Nagar. In the viral video, Jaspreet is seen preparing chicken-egg rolls and revealed that he has been managing a roll stall to support his family after the sudden demise of his father.
In the video, the boy mentioned his 14-year-old sister and said that the siblings live with their uncle in Delhi. Jaspreet also revealed how he learned cooking skills from his father and can prepare a variety of rolls at the stall.
Moreover, Jaspreet’s hard work and dedication towards running his father’s stall caught the attention of the audience on social media.
Watch the video here:
Talking about the work front, Arjun Kapoor will be seen playing a negative character in ‘Singham Again’. Sonu Sood is preparing for the premiere of his directorial debut film ‘Fateh’, in which actress Jacqueline Fernandez is in the lead role.