Actress Neha Dhupia penned a romantic post for the ‘love’ of her life, actor Angad Bedi, on their sixth wedding anniversary and said she would live her ‘adventure life’ with him again and again.
On Friday, Neha shared several pictures of her beautiful married life with Angad and their children on Instagram.
The actress shared the pictures with the caption: “To the love of my life… Look how far we’ve come through friendships, fights and open water freestyle swimming… Through the laughs, the wins and the. ” Disadvantages… due to impulsive trips, unplanned date nights and late night till early morning conversations…”
“Through crazy workouts, midnight snacking, your annoying phone habits and your ability to watch the same match and movie over and over again. Through our beautiful, adorable, insanely delicious children and sure Literally, life through this adventure,” she added.
Neha concluded by saying: “I would do it again and again with you and only you! This is for us! Six years old baby #HappyAnniversary my love @angadbedi.”
Neha and Angad got married in a private Anand Karaj ceremony in 2018. They welcomed their first child, Mehr, in November 2018.
The couple had a second child, a son, in 2021, whom they named Gurik Dhupia Bedi.