Mumbai: Cricketer Virat Kohli and actress Anushka Sharma keep their professional life and personal life separate. Even the couple has not shared photos of their children on social media and requested paparazzi not to click their photos. Now Virat-Anushka have thanked the paparazzi for maintaining the children’s privacy.
The couple gifted the paps
Anushka and Virat sent a gift hamper to the paparazzi. It has cute gifts for dads. There is also a note written there. The note reads, ‘Thank you for maintaining privacy and always supporting daughter Wamika and son Ake. There are many things in this dilemma. People are praising the couple by commenting on this post.
Paparazzi shared the video
A paparazzi has shared a video of the gift given by Anushka and Virat to the paparazzi on his Instagram account. It is also shown which all things are in hindrance. It has a power bank, smart watch, water bottle and a bag along with some other items.
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma first met during a shampoo commercial in 2013 and their love gradually grew. After dating for six years, Virat and Anushka got married on 11 December 2017. After marriage with Kohli, Anushka continued to be associated with films. Later, after the birth of her first daughter Wamika, she took a break from the film world. Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma have a son this year. which has been given the name Ake.