New Delhi: We saw Maheep Kapoor of the popular Netflix series Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives fame opening up about her extramarital affair with actor-husband Sanjay Kapoor in season 2. A few days ago, in an interview with Zoom, she talked about infidelity and why her husband has now become strict with their daughter Shanaya.
“I think people don’t want to step out of the box and look at the person and stand in their shoes and try to understand. Give everyone a break, everyone’s not perfect, everyone’s going to fuck up . This is right.”
Ananya Panday’s mother Bhavana Panday was also present during the interview and said, “She is comfortable with it. It’s her choice. Everyone has to do what rocks their boat.”
Maheep said, “You can have your opinion about it but don’t be bad about it. I have an opinion too but I’m not bad about it. Kids need to know that you’re there, their dad is there. And that’s it. Need that comfort zone and know that it’s their safe zone.”
When asked who is the stricter parent between Sanjay and her, Maheep quipped, “I think it’s Sanjay who feels that way. I think he has dated too many women , so they realize that everything they’ve done has been shit… they get it.” It is true that he went crazy about Shanaya, he is fine, he is fine but with Shanaya, I had to ask him to calm down. Then I realized he was thinking what would happen if he did what he did. He is strict but now he has calmed down a bit with Shanaya.”
On Season 2 of Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives, while talking to her friend Seema Khan, Maheep confessed, “Now you know it, Seema. In the beginning in my marriage, there was an indiscretion with Sanjay or whoever. I I stood up for myself but then again, as a woman and a mother, my priority was to owe this wonderful father to my daughter, and if I look back and if I did this shit. If I break it, I will regret it for the rest of my life. Because when my children come to my house, and my husband comes to my house, they need to feel peace and Sanjay gives that to me.”