New Delhi: Another fake celebrity photo is becoming increasingly viral on social media, which is attracting people’s attention. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, expecting their first child in September this year, are reportedly seen sharing a glimpse of their baby’s sonogram in a viral picture. However, it turned out that the couple seen in the viral picture is not Deepika and Ranveer.
In February this year, the duo shared the news of their pregnancy through an Instagram post, which read, ‘The baby will be born in September 2024.’ Deepika and Ranveer tied the knot in Italy in 2018.
Here’s what you need to know about the viral sonogram photo:
The photo shows two men wearing hats labeled ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ while holding a Polaroid of an ultrasound, presumably of their baby. Although the woman’s face is not visible, her dimples resemble Deepika’s. However, the person’s face is away from the camera, hence his face is not visible.
fact check,
The photo caused confusion among fans and was widely circulated on social media platforms, sparking various reactions. However, it turns out that the couple seen in the picture is not Deepika and Ranveer. The original photo appears to have been posted by an X user named Halim Kucuk, who announced her pregnancy via social media on May 13.
See original image here,
duam bailey #afram– Halime Kucuk (@HalimeKucuk4) 13 May 2024
On the work front, Deepika Padukone is prepping for the much-awaited film ‘Singham Again’, where she will be seen playing the character of ‘Lady Singham’. Apart from this, the actress is all set to star alongside Prabhas in Kalki 2989 AD.