New Delhi: Filmmaker Abhinay Dev’s much talked about directorial venture Savi stars the latest on-screen pairing of Divya Khosla and Harshvardhan Rane in the lead roles. The makers have now released an intriguing poster announcing the trailer release date – May 21, 2024. Featuring Divya, Harshvardhan Rane and Anil Kapoor in an unseen avatar, the star cast looks impressive.
Talking about her role in Saavi, Divya Khosla told Zee News Digital, “My role in ‘Saavi’ is different from anything I have done before. It was both challenging and interesting to play this character and because This character is so layered, you’ll see different colors and sides of Savi, the depth of her resilience and the intensity of her journey really mesmerized me and I can’t wait to see the trailer after we got the teaser, I’m sure. The film will keep everyone on the edge of their seats.”
Looking at the teaser, promo and song ‘Humdum’ of Saavi, fans are eager to see the reel chemistry of the lead pair – Divya Khosla and Harshvardhan Rane.
With the trailer coming closer, it will be interesting to see the mystery unfold. Saavi is scheduled to release in theaters on May 31, 2024.