New Delhi: As Anil Kapoor celebrates his 40th wedding anniversary today, he shared a collection of pictures on Instagram expressing his love and gratitude. The actor shed light on the beautiful journey they shared. Their heartfelt words celebrated their enduring bond and the memorable moments they have experienced over the past four decades.
Anil Kapoor shared an emotional post on social media
He wrote, ‘Forty years ago today I married the love of my life, my best friend and my rock. Sunita, our journey started 11 years ago, and every moment since then has been nothing less than an epic. From those early days of love and laughter to raising our beautiful family, we have created countless memories that fill my heart with joy and pride.
Furthermore, ‘Our marriage has been a tapestry of adventures, challenges and triumphs, all woven with the threads of unwavering love and mutual respect. You have stood by me through thick and thin and your strength, grace and compassion have always inspired me to be a better person.
He further wrote, ‘Thank you for your endless support, your wisdom and your immense love. As we celebrate this incredible milestone, I am filled with gratitude for every single moment we shared. Here’s to the love, laughter and togetherness of the last 40 years and many decades. I love you more than words can express, Sonu!
happy Anniversary my love’.
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Moreover, on the work front, Anil Kapoor is producing a project based on the life of Abhinav Bindra starring his son Harsh Vardhan Kapoor in the lead role. He will also be seen in ‘Animal’ sequel ‘Animal Park’. Apart from this, the actor also has many big projects, including Subedar.