New Delhi: In a candid chat with co-star Rajkummar Rao and producer Karan Johar on Dharma Productions YouTube channel, Generation Next star Janhvi Kapoor recently shared her experience of feeling sexualized by the media when she was just 12-13. She was one year old. The two lead actors will share the screen together in ‘Mr. & Mrs. Mahie’, a sports drama backed by Dharma.
In her chat session, Janhvi shared the horrifying incident where as a teenager she had attended an event with her parents and later found her pictures on various adult sites. She said, “I first felt sexualized by the media when I was 12-13 years old. I attended an event with my mother and father and my photos appeared online. Social media was just beginning to gain popularity. I had just started and I found my pictures on a porn site, the boys at my school were looking at these pictures and laughing.”
“This is a very weird thing to navigate, and I’ve been dealing with it for a long time. I’m very sorry for where I came from and I need to get over it. I know other people have Deal with it in a different way, maybe an even more horrible way. But to me, it’s the kind of character assassination that happens when a girl dresses in a way that makes her look comfortable with her sexuality.”
Janhvi also talked about her preferences regarding dressing. “On the one hand, I like to dress a certain way and I was brought up in a household where I don’t feel apologetic about it, where I’m not judged by it but I understand that there’s a There’s a feeling of character assassination that a girl faces when she dresses in a way that makes it seem like she’s comfortable with her sexuality.”