Mumbai: The makers of the upcoming comedy ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ starring Akshay Kumar, Sanjay Dutt, Anil Kapoor and Raveena Tandon among others have hired around 200 horses along with horsemen for an action sequence. These scenes have been shot with complete security.
These horses have been brought from stables in Mumbai, Mahabaleshwar, Lonavala and a few other places to execute a massive action sequence shot extensively over seven days. The makers of the film have also prepared a huge set on 10 acres of land for the shooting of the film.
A source close to the film said, “The makers hired over 200 horses for a never-seen-before action sequence. The safety of all these horses was taken utmost care of during filming and the scenes were shot in seven days.”
The film is directed by Ahmed Khan. ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ is produced by Firoz A. It will be released on 20th December.