Celebrity couple Sarwar Ahuja and Aditi Dev Sharma have welcomed their second child, a baby girl. On Monday, the actress shared several pictures from her maternity shoot to announce the arrival of her little one. In the first frame, the couple can be seen facing each other, holding hands and wearing a white T-shirt and blue denims. Aditi is proudly showing her baby bump in a cropped T-shirt. We can’t miss the pregnancy glow on her face. In the next picture, Aditi is wearing a gown with a thigh-high slit and has both hands on her baby bump, while Sarwar is kissing her forehead. The following frame shows the trio – Sarwar, Aditi and their son Sartaj Ahuja – wearing matching black outfits. Sartaj kisses his mother’s baby bump and Sarwar kisses Aditi’s forehead. Another image shows the family, now joined by their pet dog. In this frame, Sartaj is holding a small blackboard which reads, “Elder brother promoted.” The final image reveals the gender of the baby, as the blackboard in Sartaj’s hand reads, “It’s a girl.”
In her detailed caption, Aditi Dev Sharma wrote, “Dear baby girl, before you entered this world, please know that you were waited for, prayed for, loved, cherished and You wanted.. She is here and she is fabulous.. Your mesmerizing baby smell, those tiny feet, tiny delicate fingers, twinkling eyes, goo goos and boo boos and the aura of your existence has brightened our lives. Filled with anticipation of fun times to come. Gratitude to the universe for blessing us with the best of both worlds. Love…#grateful.”
Responding to the post, actor Shakti Arora wrote, “So cute..congratulations to both of you..God bless.” Shraddha Arya commented, “Oh… yay.. I’m glad I have so many friends to compare notes with!!! Congratulations lovelies!!!!!! Karan Grover posted, “Congratulations mommy-daddy and elder brother.” Neeru Bajwa said, “Congratulations.” Many others also followed suit.
Sarwar Ahuja and Aditi Dev Sharma reportedly got married in 2014. Aditi has appeared in several Hindi, Punjabi and Telugu films, including Women vs Ricky Bahl, English And babluOn the other hand, Sarwar Ahuja has appeared in TV shows like supercops vs super villains, this is love And Made for each other,