fabulous life vs bollywood wives Star Bhavana Pandey is on cloud nine with the success of the show. She recently chatted with Siddharth Kannan, where she opened up about the early years of her life as a ‘star wife’. During the interview, she revealed that not only did she marry Chunky Pandey at a low stage in his career, but their daughter Ananya Pandey was also born very early. In fact, he revealed that Ananya was “completely unplanned”, and her birth helped Bhavana bond better with Chunky.
Highlighting how it feels to be an actor’s wife and the insecurities that come with it, Bhavana said, “With us (her and Chunky), things moved really fast.” Shedding more light on Ananya’s birth, her mother said that she was born “exactly nine months, sixteen days after our wedding”, adding, “It was completely unplanned. Things happened very fast. So Instead of being an insecure wife and successful husband, we became parents of a baby girl, so, there were insecurities, but because of the circumstances and him making me feel comfortable, he taught me that I need not be afraid of anything. Not there.”
In the same interview, Bhavana also recalled her relationship with her parents and how they reacted when she told them about Chunky. “I still remember, I didn’t have the courage to tell my father about my relationship with Chunky. I first told this to my mother. I told her, ‘I want to marry Chunky Pandey’, He said, ‘What?’ ‘I’m lucky that things went well for me, but being so impulsive at that age and not listening to my parents and having them be ignorant of my life, it could have gone either way,’ she commented.
Ananya Pandey started her Bollywood career student of the year 2 in 2019, and since then he has made his mark in the industry by choosing the right films and projects. He was recently seen in the Amazon Prime series call me bae Where he played the lead role of Vikramaditya Motwane CTRLAs far as her project lineup is concerned, she will be seen in the second season of call me baeAlso the next film of Dharma Productions moon my heart Which was announced recently.