Mumbai: AR Rahman and Saira Banu announced their separation after 29 years of marriage and it came as a shock to those close to them and fans. However, another announcement came into notice AR Rahman’s bassist Mohini Dey She also dropped her divorce announcement just hours after the musician, leading to speculation about a connection between the divorce announcements. Saira Banu’s lawyer Vandana Shah has rejected the link between the two parties’ divorce and while talking to Republic TV, she said that Saira is going through ups and downs and divorce is not a celebration for anyone.
Saira’s lawyer talked about the connection between Rehman and Mohini Dey’s divorce“Absolutely not. There is no connection between the two. Saira and Mr. Rehman have taken this decision on their own. There is absolutely no connection between the two reports.”
“We had hoped to reach the Grand Thirty, but it seems that all things have an unseen end. Even the throne of God can tremble under the weight of broken hearts. Yet, in this scattering we find meaning, even if the pieces can never find their place again. To our friends, thanks for this… – Arrahman (@arrahman) 19 November 2024
Adding, “When a marriage ends, it is a painful decision. No one is happy when a marriage ends. Divorce is not an occasion to celebrate. Saira has gone through a lot of ups and downs in this marriage. Have faced ups and downs.”
Also read: Celebs who separated in 2024
Vandana insisted that both Rehman and Saira are dignified people and respect their privacy, “It’s been a long marriage and every marriage goes through its ups and downs and I’m extremely happy that it’s over.” , then it’s over.” In such a dignified manner and we have issued a joint press release and I think it says a lot for both of them that they are both extremely dignified people and as everyone knows, they are both very secretive about their personal lives. All we can say is that they wish each other the best and will continue to support each other.”
AR Rahman also expressed his disappointment over his wife Saira’s lawyer publicly releasing the divorce statement.