Music maestro AR Rahman and his wife Saira Banu announced their separation on Tuesday after 29 years of marriage. In a statement released by Banu’s lawyer Vandana Shah, it was revealed that the couple had experienced an “irreconcilable gap” in their relationship, which led to the decision. Hours later, Rahman’s bassist, 29-year-old Mohini Dey, who has performed more than 40 shows worldwide with the Oscar-winning musician, announced her separation from her husband Mark Hartsch on Instagram, sparking a possible rift between Rahman and Dey. Rumors of a romantic relationship swirled.
However, when Shah was asked about speculations about Rehman and Dey’s love affair, Shah denied any connection between the two separations and said that they were “independent events”. “Absolutely not. There is no connection between the poor woman who has applied for divorce and this divorce (Day and Hartsch). These are two independent incidents,” Shah tells us.
Also read: AR Rahman composed music during his honeymoon while wife slept in another room, his brother-in-law once revealed
Shah further clarified that Rehman and Banu’s separation was a mutual decision: “We have given a joint statement. I think when marriages fail or go bad, it’s usually everyone’s joint decision. Otherwise, it would have been a one-sided kind of acrimonious thing that would have been thrown out.”
Rehman, 57, and Saira Banu, 50, married in 1995 and have three children – Khatija, Rahima and Ameen.
Regarding rumors of property discussions between the couple since July, Shah says, “There has been no discussion about money at this stage because you have to understand that this has been a very long marriage and they are both really dignified.” And are private individuals and it was a marriage based.” In love. Therefore, there has been no discussion yet and to be honest, even if there had been a discussion, I would not be able to tell because it is a very personal matter.
Additionally, Shah cited Rehman and Banu’s “respectful manner in which the separation proceedings were conducted”, describing it as “exemplary”. “Everyone has gone about this in a respectful manner and when you look at both press releases, you see they both talk about pain, about some kind of – I wouldn’t use the word isolation – But about some insurmountable difference. They talk about love and that’s what’s different about this divorce,” she says. “I also think what’s different is that a press release was issued, and a joint The press release was issued, and no one does. This is usually seen in Indian divorces.”
Saira Banu and AR Rahman announced separation!
On Tuesday night, Rehman and Banu issued a joint statement announcing their separation. “Mrs. Saira and her husband, on behalf and at the direction of renowned musician Allarakka Rahman (AR Rahman), Vandana Shah and Associates release the following statement regarding the couple’s decision to separate. After many years of marriage, Mrs. Saira and Her husband Mr A R Rahman has taken the difficult decision to separate from each other, following significant emotional strain in their relationship, with the couple finding that the stress and difficulties have created a huge distance between them. them, one that neither side feels capable of bridging at this time,” read part of the official statement.
Also read: When AR Rahman said he wanted a simple wife ‘who doesn’t give much trouble’, mother found Saira after a surprise meeting at the Dargah
The statement continued, “Mrs. Saira and her husband Mr AR Rahman insist that they have taken this decision due to pain and suffering. Mrs. Saira and her husband Mr. A.R. Rahman request privacy and understanding from the public during this challenging time as they go through this difficult chapter of their lives.”
Mohini Dey announced separation from her husband!
In a surprising turn of events, just hours after Banu and Rahman announced their separation, Rahman’s 29-year-old bassist Mohini Dey shared on social media that she and her husband, musician Mark Hartsch, have also separated. “It is with heavy hearts that Mark and I announce that we have separated,” Day wrote. First, as a commitment to our friends and family, it is a mutual understanding between us. Although we remain very good friends, we both have decided that we want different things in life and a mutual separation is the best way to move forward.
AR Rahman and Saira Banu’s marriage
AR Rahman and Saira Banu were married in 1995. In an interview on Simi Garewal’s show in 2012, Rehman spoke openly about his views on marriage and his desire for a simple partner. He shared, “To be honest, I didn’t have time to go and look for a bride. I was doing all those films – Rangeela, Bombay and everything else. I was very busy, but I knew this was the one It’s the right time to get married. I was 29 and I told my mother to find a bride for me.” Rehman told how his mother met Saira’s sister while visiting a Sufi shrine, after which they eventually married. The marriage was fixed.