AR Rahman and Saira Banu announced their divorce on Tuesday evening. And despite the couple’s request for privacy, rumors have been circulating since then, with bassist Mohini Dey even being linked to their divorce. The couple’s son AR Amin denied the ‘baseless’ rumors and described them as ‘disappointing’. (Also read: Saira Banu’s daughter AR Rahman breaks silence on her separation, calls rumor mongers ‘fools’)
‘Let’s respect them and maintain their dignity’
Posting a picture of a child and Rahman on Instagram, Amin wrote, ‘So what’s the difference? Apart from age?’ It is written on it. Captioning the picture, she wrote, “My father is a legend not only for his incredible contributions but for the values, respect and love he has earned over the years. It is disappointing to see false and baseless rumors being spread.”
Amin urged people not to spread misinformation about his parents’ marriage, saying, “Let us all remember the importance of truth and respect when speaking about someone’s life and legacy. Please avoid engaging in or spreading such misinformation. Let’s respect and protect their dignity and the incredible impact they have had on all of us. #EPI.”
The singer-composer also posted the note on his Instagram stories, along with a picture of an article confirming that there is no connection between Rahman’s divorce and Mohini. Hours later, her sister Rahima also took to her Instagram stories and wrote, “Always remember…rumors are spread by haters, spread by fools, and accepted by idiots,” she added. , “Honestly, get a life.”
AR Rahman, Saira Banu’s divorce
Rehman and Saira announced their divorce on social media after 29 years of marriage. The musician’s emotional note reads, “We had hoped to reach the Grand Thirty, but it seems all things have an unseen end. Even the throne of God can tremble under the weight of broken hearts. Yet, in this scattering we find meaning, even if the pieces can never find their place again. Our friends, thank you for your kindness and for respecting our privacy as we go through this delicate chapter.