Ahead of her concert in Mumbai on Saturday, Grammy Award-winning singer Dua Lipa is making the most of her time in India. On Thursday, the singer was spotted out for dinner in Mumbai, and took a few moments to enjoy the city’s food. Read also: Dua Lipa reached India for her concert, paparazzi made fun of ‘Dua mein yaad rakhna’. Watch
Dua out for dinner
As she prepares to dazzle her Indian fans with her stellar performance, Dua Lipa is enjoying the sights, sounds and tastes of Mumbai.
On Thursday, several videos surfaced on social media in which Dua Lipa was shown visiting a restaurant in Bandra, Mumbai. In the clip, the Grammy-winning singer is seen stepping out of her car accompanied by her bodyguards. She is then seen entering the restaurant. Dua looked stylish in an all black outfit and turned heads as she stepped out for a night on the town.
In a video, her bodyguard is seen telling photographers trying to capture the singer, “Don’t get in my way”.
Earlier in the day, Dua was seen landing in Mumbai. As soon as she walked out of the airport, the paparazzi greeted her with great enthusiasm. As Dua walked towards her car, the paparazzi called her name and tried to get her to pose for them. However, when she did not stop and got into the vehicle, he jokingly teased her saying, “Dua, dua, dua…remember in dua”.
Dua Lipa is in India for a concert
Dua is in India to host the second edition of Zomato Feeding India Concert (ZFIC) 2024. It is scheduled to take place on 30th November at MMRDA, BKC in Mumbai. The concert is a community-driven initiative to accelerate progress towards achieving the sustainable development goal of Zero Hunger by 2030. The concert unites artists, changemakers, philanthropists, celebrities and citizens to build a hunger and malnutrition-free nation.
In 2019, he performed at the OnePlus Music Festival in Navi Mumbai. Dua spent the last days of 2023 in Rajasthan and has confessed her love for India in several interviews.