And the theme of this year’s Met Gala is ‘Deepfakes?’ This year, a technological twist infiltrated the red carpet of the prestigious annual fashion event, with AI-manipulated fake images of several stars circulating online. Regular Met attendants like Rihanna, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and others, who decided not to grace this year’s red carpet for personal reasons, suddenly bloomed in the ‘Garden of Time’ because of these fake images, which deceived the public Tried to give and, to some extent, succeeded.
Rihanna skipped the Met Gala but not her fake photos
Fans were eagerly waiting to see Queen RiRi and A$AP Rocky attend the gala night in stunning outfits; However, the singer was sidelined with flu, which led to her absence. Instead, AI-generated fake photos of her began circulating across social media, one of which received over 2 million views. The photo matches this year’s theme perfectly and there is no room for doubt. However, news of his illness soon emerged, debunking these claims. These synthetic looks were a little too straightforward, lacking creativity, but since Rihanna previously mentioned that she would be taking a low-key approach this year, some people still believe in their authenticity.
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Katy Perry Met Gala Deep Fake Surface
Katy Perry, who decided not to walk the red carpet this year due to work commitments, also fell victim to these fake images. The singer was shocked when her mother accidentally sent her the photo, thinking Perry was attending the gala. Her mother complimented her look and praised how beautiful she looked on the Met stairs until Perry revealed the truth that she had been duped by fraudsters. Responding to his mother’s image, he said, “Lol mom, AI has caught you too, be careful!” A short time later, another user on X posted a new image of Perry. This time, her lips were a little swollen, and she was wearing a beautiful bronze corset that looked like the perfect key to the festive garden theme.
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Lady Gaga’s fake Met Gala photos surfaced
After the deepfakes of Katy Perry and Rihanna, Lady Gaga was also not spared. Photos of Gaga in incredibly different outfits took over social media. However, unlike other stars, Gaga’s history of pushing boundaries with her Met Gala performance made the deepfakes almost believable. With floral patterns dominating this year’s trend, scammers tried their best to deceive fans to get likes and shares. But, thanks to the singer’s loyal fans, they immediately suspected it wasn’t real.