Emma Stone was a ray of sunshine on the red carpet ahead of the premiere of her film Kinds of Kindness at the Cannes Film Festival on Friday. Wearing a shimmering rust dress with a plunging neckline, Emma danced on the red carpet, swayed to the music and even made a few funny faces as the cast and crew received a standing ovation after the screening. (Also read: Kinds of Kindness premiere at Cannes 2024: Emma Stone leads the cast on the red carpet,
emma’s actions
Video of her red carpet appearance shows her mingling with Kinds of Kindness co-stars and director Yorgos Lanthimos. As the cast came together to pose for a photo on the theater steps, they sang Cobra’s brand new Bi**h song. She was clearly having a good time.
Another video from inside the theater showed Emma making funny faces as everyone applauded her performance. Check it out here:
types of kindness
When not creating meme content, Emma can often be found collaborating with Yorgos. This is her third film, after The Favorite and Poor Things, which earned Emma her second Best Actress Oscar.
Kinds of Kindness is called a triptych, with the same group of actors narrating three different stories. It was filmed as the Greek filmmaker was finalizing her feminist Frankenstein remake Poor Things.
Its occasionally regressive scenes are balanced by dark humor, notably Willem Dafoe as a creepy guru in an orange Speedo and a very shocking home movie that got plenty of laughs at its Cannes screening.
Lanthimos said before the premiere, “I thought it was funny and Emma thought it was funny, but we didn’t know if people would find it funny or not.” In early reviews, the Guardian called it a “terrifying, absurd triptych”, while Variety called it a “bizarre concoction of the baffling and the delightful.” Lanthimos said that, as the trust between him and Stone grew, the pair became “more daring and more adventurous”.