Mumbai: Bollywood actress Nora Fatehi is very active on social media. The actress is often in the headlines for her pictures and videos. Amidst all this, Nora has shared some pictures on her social media account Instagram. In this, she is seen winning the hearts of fans with her simple style.
User feedback
In these pictures, Nora is wearing a blue crop-top and skirt. She looked very beautiful in this dress. Fans have also liked this look of Nora Fatehi. While commenting on these pictures, a user wrote Rani of Bollywood. Another user wrote that my heart jumped when I saw you. I love you very much.
Nora’s statement on feminism
Nora Fatehi recently discussed feminism in an interview. Meanwhile, he called feminism nonsense. Nora Fatehi had said that I do not believe in feminism. In fact I think feminism has ruined society. This age has also brainwashed men. Sonali Bendre’s reaction has come out on this.
The actress explained the true meaning of feminism
On Nora’s statement, Sonali Bendre said that people do not know the true meaning of feminism, so its wrong definition is spread in the society. Feminism is not about criticizing men. You and I want equal rights, so what’s wrong with that? Keeping the balance of scales is called femininity and it has to be understood, so that no problem arises in future.