Mumbai: Mumbai Crime Branch has arrested the fifth suspect in the latest incident of firing incident outside the residence of actor Salman Khan. The man, identified as Mohammed Chaudhary, was arrested in Rajasthan for his alleged involvement in aiding the shooters, Sagar Pal and Vicky Gupta.
As confirmed by Mumbai Crime Branch officials, Choudhary provided financial support and reconnaissance for the attackers. Chaudhary’s arrest comes amid the ongoing investigation into the firing incident that took place in Mumbai’s Bandra area.
The arrest adds another layer to the complex web of persons linked to the attack on Salman Khan’s residence.
Sadly, the matter took a serious turn after the death of Anuj Thapan, one of the arms suppliers involved. Thapan was found dead in his cell on 1 May, reportedly a suicide.
Mumbai Police revealed that Thapan had attempted to commit suicide while in custody and was declared dead after being taken to the hospital.
The arrest of Anuj Thapan on 26 April marked a significant breakthrough in the investigation, throwing light on the network responsible for providing weapons to the perpetrators of the attacks.
In the incident that took place on April 14, two attackers opened fire outside Galaxy Apartments, where Salman Khan lives, and fled from the scene. Subsequent arrests revealed Lawrence’s connection with the Bishnoi gang.
Considering the seriousness of the matter, Mumbai Police invoked Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act (MCOCA) against all the accused involved in the firing incident.
Besides, a lookout notice has been issued for Anmol Bishnoi, younger brother of jailed gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, in connection with the case.