The recent video of Arijit Singh performing on stage caught a lot of attention of fans on social media. In the video, the Vida Karo singer was seen singing on stage while standing at the end of the stage, taking a nail cutter to cut her nails. Many people described this act as ‘extremely unprofessional’. (Also read: Arijit Singh could not recognize Mahira Khan during the concert, see what he said next)
Arijit cut his nails on stage
In the video, which was posted by the singer’s fan pages on various social media platforms, Arijit was seen in a gray shirt with an orange cloth tied around his head. He was seen singing at a concert in Dubai, where he brought a nail cutter and started cutting his nails on stage.
User Responses
Responding to this video, a user commented, “Very unprofessional.” Another user wrote, “They should have done this before the concert, this is extremely unprofessional and who brings nail cutters to a concert? Crazy stuff.” Another said, “That’s not called politeness, that’s uncleanliness.” One comment read, “Go backstage, come back! This is not good enough!” “He should have thought about this before going on stage. Not very prepared to play guitar,” read another comment.
Many fans also came to his defense and argued in his favor in the comments. One wrote, “This happened recently at the Dubai concert and I was there! He was having trouble playing the guitar and so he had to cut his nails.” Another fan said, “I think he did it so he could tap his guitar a little better.”
Earlier, a video had surfaced on social media, in which Arijit was seen at another concert in Dubai. But the singer failed to recognize that actor Mahira Khan was sitting in the front row of the concert. Moments later, the singer shouted at him and apologized.
Arijit Singh recently sang the song Vida Karo from Imtiaz Ali’s film Amar Singh Chamkila. The biopic drama, which released on Netflix last month, revolves around the life of the famous Punjabi singer who was shot dead along with his pregnant wife.