Mumbai: Veteran Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff has approached the court. He has filed a petition in the Delhi High Court to stop the misuse of his name, photograph and voice and to protect his personality rights. In fact, Jackie has filed this case against organizations that use her name and voice for their work without her permission.
Justice Sanjiv Narula issued summons to the entities on the case and held the matter for further hearing on Wednesday. Shroff’s lawyer said no one can be allowed to mislead consumers into buying the product thinking that the products are endorsed by the actor, who has acted in more than 200 films.
The lawyer said that Jackie Shroff is very popular. People will think they are endorsing the product. He has the ability to make any product salable. This cannot happen without their consent.
The advocate also said that some offensive and objectionable content is also available in the form of memes, medical photographs etc. He said that everyone is making big money by using his name, picture.
Some defendants have now blocked unauthorized use of Shroff’s personal profile. Shroff’s counsel cited the High Court’s orders in similar cases by actors Amitabh Bachchan and Anil Kapoor in support of their case.