New Delhi: Actress Laxmi Manchu recently took the X (East Twitter) to accuse Indigo Airlines of harassment during a recent bag check at the airport. The actress shared her disappointing experience, revealing that her bag was flagged off for inspection, and the staff allegedly treated her badly when she requested to open it. “My bag was pulled to one side, and @indigigi6e will not let me open it. They insisted on checking it, otherwise it will be left behind in Goa. Some help !!! Flt 6E585. It is ridiculous, and The employee is extremely rude, “He tweeted, expressed his displeasure with the way he was treated by the airline.
In a follow -up post, Lakshmi Manchu raised her complaint, describing the experience as harassment. He insisted that despite his repeated requests, the Indigo Staff did not tag a security on his bag, making him disappointed. “This harassment is @indigigo6e. Eventually, he did not even put a safety tag before my eyes. Despite insisting on the fact that they would do it if anything is missing, I suspect that Indigo will take any responsibility. How is this possible to run an airline like this? “He posted questioning the practices of the airline.
This is harassment @Indigigo6e Eventually he did not even put a security tag in front of my eyes. Despite insisting on the fact that they would do it if anything is missing, I suspect that Indigo will take any responsibility. How is this possible to run an airline like this? – Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna (@lakshmimanchu) 27 January, 2025
The actress claimed other incidents, including misconduct with other passengers. “They pulled people to one side for sleep apnea machines! Spoon, fork, and knife cutlery! One of the girls had to leave his belongings because they could not go through his bag on time !!! Okay I am I am feeling violated!
They pulled people aside for sleep apnea machine! Spoon fork and knife cutlery! One of the girl had to leave her belongings because they could not go to their bags on time !!!!!!
ok I’m done! @Indigigo6e Loves that you are feeling violated …– Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna (@lakshmimanchu) 27 January, 2025
To wrap her allegations, the actress shared a picture and video of her bag, showing her disappointment with the situation, “I relax my case @Indigo 6e.”
I rest my case @Indigigo6e– Manchu Lakshmi Prasanna (@lakshmimanchu) 27 January, 2025
Indigo Airlines immediately responded to the allegations, offering an explanation about the situation. In a tweet, the airline said, “Mam, we understand the inconvenience you experience this morning. According to our records, your check-in bag was detained by the security of the airport, which Was deployed by the operator, due to strict rules on carrying prohibited items in check-in goods. , “We appreciate your cooperation with our team and security personnel in resolving the case, making the bag clean for your understanding, and we can give you one. Wish a pleasant flight. ”
Ma’am, we understand the discomfort you experience this morning. According to our records, your check-in bag was detained by the security of the airport, deployed by the operator of the airport, due to strict rules on carrying prohibited goods in check-in goods. (1/2) – IndiGo (@IndiGo 6E) 27 January, 2025
IndiGo further clarified the security situation, explaining, “Mam, we would like to clarify that when our airport team tagged your bag safely, the tag was removed by the airport security personnel. The bag was banned.
Ma’am, we would like to clarify that while our airport team tagged your bag safely, the tag was removed by the security personnel of the airport when detained the bag due to a banned object car Was taken in (1/3) – IndiGo (@IndiGo 6E) 27 January, 2025
The airline reiterated its praise for Manchu’s understanding and cooperation and assured him that any further assistance could be provided through direct messages. “We really appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Do you need any other help, please feel free to reach us through DM. We hope you had a pleasant flight and Soon ready to welcome the ship again, “IndiGo concluded. ,