New Delhi: The animated film Mahavatar Narasimha vividly portrays the powerful stories of Varaha and Narasimha, the third and fourth incarnations of Lord Vishnu. This is another notable project from Hombale Films, which is set to shine in the Indian Panorama, the premier segment of the International Film Festival of India (IFFI). It is one of the five Hindi films selected to be screened on this prestigious platform along with 12th Fail, Srikanth, Article 370 and Veer Savarkar.
mahavatar narasimha movie
It is noteworthy that Mahavatar Narasimha is the only unreleased Hindi film among the selected films. The selection committee was highly impressed with the film, which helped secure its place as the only unreleased project in the section. The jury is confident that the film will enthrall the IFFI attendees by showcasing exceptional technical talent and excellent storytelling.
When belief is challenged, it appears.
In a world torn apart by darkness and chaos… witness the presence of the most powerful incarnation of the great man, the half-man, half-lion avatar of Lord Vishnu.Experience the epic battle between good and evil in 3D.…– Hombale Films (@hombalefilms) 16 November 2024
The film is the brainchild of director Ashwin Kumar, who aims to popularize Indian historical stories, bringing them to new generations in a modern, engaging format.
Hombale Films is now coming up with another interesting story, an animated film titled Mahavatar Narasimha. The film has already started creating buzz even before its release, as it is all set for its screening across the Indian panorama.
Indian Panorama section at IFFI
The Indian Panorama section was started in 1978 as part of the IFFI umbrella to promote the rich culture and heritage of India as well as Indian films with the help of cinematic art. Since its inception, Indian Panorama has been completely dedicated to showcasing the best Indian films of the year.
Mahavatar Narasimha is directed by Ashwin Kumar. Produced by Shilpa Dhawan, Kushal Desai and Chaitanya Desai, the film is produced under the banner of Claim Productions and Hombale Films Limited.