‘Melo Movie’ K-Drama Review: Choi Wu-Shic, Park Bo-Young are stellar in this Andering Series

'Melo Movie' K-Drama Review: Choi Wu-Shic, Park Bo-Young are stellar in this Andering Series

Park Bo-Young and Choi Wu-Shic show still

Continuous Melo MovieFilms are omnipresent.

This is the one who runs the life of its four major characters, contributes to equal measurements in their joy, sorrow, frustration and ambition. It all comes in the blanket in nostalgia; There are piles of VHS tapes that are attached by cinefiles in the series, and many references to films are smartly written in the show. The episodes titled are all dialogues of famous films; Why so serious? ,Dark night), You just need love (Really love), And keep your friends near, but your enemies are close (The Godfather Part II,

When Ko Ko Gime (Choi Wu-Shik) runs in Kim Mubi (Park Bo-Anga) (cleverly nominated), it includes a film that brings them together. Gyme, a badly bad actor, is trying to audition for a part in a highly acclaimed director’s film. Mubi is a accessory on its set. While he does not participate, a annoying chopper appearance on the gime set becomes: always to discuss films with the director, buting in the work of creative departments, and to leave usually tsundere Mubi Perplexed. A brief romantic encounter begins, but the pair meets again – this time he is a film critic, and he, a successful director.

Melo Movie (Korean)

Author: Li na-yoon

Mold: Park Bo-Young, Choi Wu-Shik, Lee June-Young and Jion Seo-Ne

Episode: 10

Order: 60 minutes each

Story: A film critic and a director join after his initial meat-cute, and after years of navigating life, love and disadvantage.

Concarmedly, we are introduced to GIM’s friends C June (Lee June-Young) and Jo-A (Jeon Seo-Ne), excluded by high-school Sweetheets. For Sea-Joon, a budding musician is just waiting to find, it proves to be difficult after years in his ex-girlfriend. While he is still getting smart in the way their relationship ends, he not only seems to be non -good, but has also tasted success as a script writer. Will chronic feelings start again, or is it a time to close something much more necessary?

Choi Wu-Shik and Kim J-Vuk in Melo Movie

Choi Wu-Shik and Kim J-Vuk in Melo Movie

Melo Movie There is a show about its central couples as it is about the guy and his brother to June (Kim J-Vook). They have a complex relationship – they share a deep bond, and yet, always remains a built -in, unheard sorrow. Through its ten episodes, Melo Movie Are you tearing very little, and yet, it does not disappoint all. Writer Lee Na-Un, who wrote the first standout ke-drama Our sweet summer Here is under complete control. She ensures that the show does not only focus on romance, and makes it about many relationships. You want to see the guests and their bonds with director Ma (a beautiful to Chang-second), Mubi and her mother, and even G-Surya and their employers, where he works.

The biggest win of the show is how it discovers sorrow. A loved one has unavoidable disadvantages, but there is also silence of relationships which were once. This helps to place competent actors on the hull who are fully patient. If Choi Wu-Shik in UNG Our sweet summer Showed us how he can completely turn into a part, he is once again in the form of a sweet and honest gime at home. Wu-Shik also shines in the smallest scenes, whether it is with his eyes with tears, because he struggles to open, or as he stands outside his house, unable to go in because he struggles to handle his grief.

June-Young, Jion So-Ne and Choi Wu-Shic show still

June-Young, Jion So-Ne and Choi Wu-Shic show still

The park is supported here by Bo-Young, which does not reduce Mubi a rage, a note talent. June-Young is a revelation here. Picnic Duplication As a distressed C-pop star, here is great as a music talent, often making a wall in self-doubt and struggling to come up with a breakup.

It is difficult to miss some similarities between Our sweet summer And Melo Movie-Boths shot beautifully, aesthetically pleasing that a couple has been re -included after their breakup. Whereas Melo Movie Takes its time, revealing in untoward details, it is a mature slices-off-life chain that is not afraid of nuances and is going beyond the romance of the textbook.

Melo Movie Streaming on Netflix


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