Amid growing anticipation for fashion’s biggest night, the Met Gala, pop icon Jennifer Lopez has teased her daring dress. During her appearance on Good Morning America, the On the Floor hitmaker revealed she would “barely” walk in her dress. Ahead of the Met Gala 2024, whose theme is The Garden of Time, Lopez told host Lara Spencer that the glamorous event’s “appearance is not about comfort.”
Jennifer Lopez says she’ll ‘barely be able to walk’ in her Met Gala 2024 outfit
The Can’t Get Enough singer is co-hosting the event alongside Zendaya, Bad Bunny, Anna Wintour and Chris Hemsworth. Teasing her look for the star-studded night, Lopez said during the interview, “You’ll have to tune in to see. But it’s exciting, it’s exciting. It’s a fun night for fashion.”
Lopez also addressed her co-chairs, saying, “It’s really an honor to be asked to host this with Zendaya and Bad Bunny and Chris Hemsworth. Anna was kind enough to ask me. We will have a good time.” “It’s always a good time,” he said at the annual fundraising gala.
“It’s an interesting mix of artists and business people. It’s not just music or movies; It’s everybody — fashion, film, music, business,” he said, adding that the Met Gala allows one “to have some really interesting conversations.” Lopez has attended the fashionable event several times throughout her decades-long career.
The This Is Me…Now singer said in a video for Vogue magazine last month that she was “still deciding” on her outfit despite being “less than three weeks away” from the big event . “I am also one of those people who chooses at the last minute. Like, I like options, and then I say, ‘Okay, that’s how I feel today.’ And then we try to create some kind of amazing look – ’cause it’s the night of looks!’ He said.