Mumbai: Recently, the explosive trailer of actor Rajkumar Rao and actress Janhvi Kapoor’s upcoming film ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ has been released. Now the first song of the film ‘Dekha Tenu’ has been released. Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor are returning to the big screen after the film ‘Roohi’. Eagerly waiting to see their duo.
The first song of the film
You will remember Kajol and Shah Rukh Khan while listening to the first song of Mr. and Mrs. Mahi, Dekh Tenu. The beautiful chemistry of Rajkumar and Janhvi can be seen in this song. This song is composed by Adesh Srivastava. He also composed the original song.
Movie trailer
The plot of the story is very simple. A couple who first fall in love and then get married. Janhvi Kapoor is a doctor and Rajkumar Rao is trying to become a cricketer. After marriage, it has come to light that Janhvi also likes cricket. She also plays well. Then Rajkumar Rao also wants to fulfill his dream through his wife. He wants to make his wife a cricketer. For this he also rebels against his family.
The actress will play the role of a cricketer
Janhvi Kapoor will play the role of a cricketer in ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’. Let us tell you that this film is not a biopic of a cricketer. The film is directed by Sharan Sharma, who has previously worked with Janhvi in Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl and made her directorial debut with this film. Presented by Zee Studio and Dharma Productions, the film will hit the theaters on May 31.
Rajkumar Rao and Janhvi’s work front
Apart from Mr. & Mrs. Mahi, Janhvi Kapoor will be seen in Deora alongside Jr. NTR and Saif Ali Khan. She will play the role of a confused IFS officer and will also be seen in Sunny Sanskari’s Tulsi Kumari opposite Varun. Rajkumar Rao will soon be seen in ‘Guns and Roses Season 2’.