Mumbai: Actress Manisha Koirala after the success of the web series ‘Hiramundi: The Diamond Bazaar’ said that she never thought that such a moment would come in her life. He said that women artists above 50 years of age rarely get such an opportunity. Koirala is playing the role of Mallikajan, one of the main characters in this web series. His performance in this is being appreciated a lot. This is filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s first web series available on OTT platform ‘Netflix’.
Koirala spoke about her journey from battling ovarian cancer to starting work after recovering from it and playing an important role in a web series and receiving praise from the audience on social media platform Instagram on Sunday. He wrote, I never thought that after recovering from cancer and turning 50, such a phase would come in my life.
Describing ‘Hiramandi’ as an important achievement, Koirala said that as a 53-year-old actress, I got an opportunity to play an important role in a wonderful web series. I’m so glad I didn’t get stuck with those old characters. Thanks to the OTT platform and viewers for that. She said, women artists and other professionals have finally started getting good work and respect. I consider myself fortunate to be a part of this changing era.
The actress was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2012. His cancer treatment was completed in 2014. Since then she has appeared in Dear Maya 2017, Sanju 2018, Lust Stories 2018 and Shahzada 2023. (agency)