Still ‘picture’. Photo Credit: Prime Video
The ninth mandala Piya Jaswani (Simon Ashley) and his gay are a painting studio in Hakni, run by the best friend, Jai (Luke Fatterson), who share a strict anorexia for passport photographs. They want to capture Prakash and play with it through the lens, but in a world that gives priority to share immediately, their analog studio is growing for insolvency. Due to any romantic possibilities and no talk of the 30th birthday, Piya feels confused and lost, but Jai’s shoulder relief to cry. Although sarcastically and painful straight, he is definitely the strongest pillar of his life.
As a month -long wedding celebration for Kikstart for Piya’s younger sister Sonal (Anasqka Chadha), photographers are included in a cycle of traditions protected by hypocritical morality and caricaturish pundits. One such pundit is that Piya is ready to find his soul on the five dates.
As we tag that we meet Sid (Asim Chaudhary), a ‘loaded Napo-Babi’ who is allergic to human touch thinks that is dealing with Bollywood and anyone is determined not to dump in his home. Naturally, Piya flooded her bathroom. The next couple’s dates end in equal accidents – although funny on paper, they do not feel laughter when played on screen. Their rigidity in staying with some popular trops and fulfilling the predictions of some other pop-culture makes them a little more tedious.
Picture this (English)
Director: Prasan Mohan
Mold: Simone Ashley, Hero Fynene Tiffin, Luke Faithstone, Anawashka Chadha, Sindhu V, Asim Chaudhary,
Runtime: 101 minutes
Story: The struggling photographer Piya is told that he will get true love and career success within the next fifth dates. With her sister’s wedding and playing the matchmaker of her family, her earlier is visible soon, causing her life to come into chaos.
We are kept out of sorrow when his high-school boyfriend and the only person he has been in love with Charlie (Hero Fianna Tiffin), he meets his sister’s best man in his sister’s wedding-his strange conversation and a romantic journey in contact with stressful eyes gives a glimpse of hope. However, our expectations quickly collapse and the director provides a comfortable solution to his upset professional life. In romantic-novels with blueprints and recent age films, social media is used to revive his business and although he feels that his questions have resolved, the audience is left in search of closure.

Still ‘picture’. Photo Credit: Prime Video
While Simon Ashley and Hero Fiene Tiffin are confident in their roles, they do not enjoy enough room to spread their acting muscles.

Ever since Harry accepted his love for Sally on the eve of New Year, to be accurate in about 137 words, he has become a head for monologue style fans in the third act of a romantic-comedy. However, Think this This feature fails to drop the audience-the monologue of theya is interrupted by Charlie, which is busy with its phone, and like a Rome-Com for social media ages, it converts to a blend conversation that comes out of an average texts for their online friend. We do not know how much time it takes to order sandwich or does he find his bushes entertaining; By the end of 101 minutes, we know as much about Piya and Charlie as we did in the beginning. The film does not try to get you out of your feet or create a yearning for love, it is only interested in killing the correct notes of relativity so that you do not hurry to take your phone and scroll with the mind through social media or play subway surfers.
Picture This is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video
Published – March 07, 2025 02:13 pm IST