Priyanka Chopra has been keeping her fans updated about the shooting of her upcoming project Heads of States. Daughter Malti Mary Chopra Jonas was also tagged with him and both were seen in the actor’s recent Instagram post. In the latest post, Priyanka shared that she has finally completed the shooting. Don’t miss Priyanka’s playtime with Malti, which included sit-ups and even a stick fight. (Also read: Priyanka Chopra remembers being ‘surprised’ when agents demanded pay parity: This doesn’t happen in our industry)
Priyanka’s Instagram post
Priyanka on Wednesday shared a video diary of the last few days of the shoot on her Instagram. He shared several pictures of himself getting ready inside his vanity van with the crew, playfully doing squats with Malti and stick fighting with her.
In the caption, she wrote, “And it’s over.. it’s been a year.. well, a lot has happened but here we are. Tonight I arrived on a set that was always full of laughter and professionalism. This rare combination doesn’t always happen.. This film was very easy because the cast and crew came prepared with their A game every day. It’s an honor to work with some of the legends of our business on this. We hope you all enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed making it. The Head of State will be on @primevideo..when will you ask me? Above my pay grade. Laugh out loud. Thankfulness.”
On wanting Malti to be his safe place
Meanwhile, Priyanka also opened up about her relationship with daughter Malti in a new interview India Today, “I think children are not born for us, they are born to live their lives through us. And that’s how my parents raised me and my mother raised me. And, you know, she always said I’m your safe place. That’s what I want to be for Malti, her safe space and letting her do what she wants.”
Priyanka Chopra dated singer Nick Jonas for some time and tied the knot in 2018. The couple welcomed their first child, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, via surrogacy last year. Malti was born prematurely and stayed in the NICU for 100 days before her parents took her home.
Apart from Priyanka, Heads of States also stars Idris Elba, John Cena and Jack Quaid in lead roles. It is directed by Ilya Naishuller. She will also be seen in The Bluff, directed by Frank E. Flowers.