Mumbai: TV industry’s famous director and producer Ekta Kapoor is in headlines these days for her personal life. There is talk about Ekta that she is going to become a mother for the second time. However, a source close to Ekta has rubbished such reports on social media.
A source close to Ekta Kapoor said that this is a lie. It is not fair to spread false information just to get people to click on a particular article. First, reporters should confirm the fax with the team before publishing such news. It is very ridiculous and ridiculous that people come up with such news.
In fact, some reports on Friday claimed that Ekta’s son Ravi is now 5 years old and now he too wants a sibling. In such a situation, Ekta Kapoor is also paying attention to this side and is thinking about becoming a mother again through surrogacy. But by the evening, the truth of these news came out. Let us tell you that not only Ekta Kapoor but her younger brother Tusshar Kapoor has also become a father through surrogacy following the footsteps of his elder sister. Their son’s name is Lakshya. Both the siblings stay away from the limelight.
Ekta Kapoor decided to become a mother in the year 2019. She was not married, but she wanted to be a mother. For this he appreciated surrogacy. In 2019, Ekta gave birth to a son through surrogacy. He is now 5 years old. Son’s name is Ravi Kapoor.