With AQI level over 400, Delhi has been shrouded in a thick layer of toxic smog since Diwali. Now, actress Richa Chadha has expressed her concern about the worrying situation in a post shared on X (formerly Twitter). Richa re-shared a video of crackers being burst in Delhi amid the city’s worsening air quality crisis. The clip shows people bursting crackers on the road. Apart from sharing the video, Richa wrote a heartfelt letter, highlighting the horrifying truth of pollution in the city she loves. He wrote, “Death sentence is called life in Delhi… The city of my childhood, my school, my roots… It breaks my heart to see the indifference and hatred towards myself. “Until we learn to speak for ourselves, politicians won’t do anything.”
Death sentence is called life in Delhi… the city of my childhood, my school, my roots… ????
It is heartbreaking to see the indifference and utter hatred toward oneself.
Until we learn to speak for ourselves, politicians won’t do anything???????????? https://t.co/tMYXgkn88G– Richa Chadha (@RichaChadha) 20 November 2024
In a previous interview, Richa Chadha had confessed that she was against having children due to the serious effects of climate change. “A year ago, I was strongly against having a child and climate change was a big reason. This is the hottest year we’ve ever had, and probably the coldest year you and I will ever experience. Eco-concern is a real thing for people like me who wake up thinking about it. Dia Mirza, a very good friend of mine, truly lives her truth. Many of the baby items in my house are from when she was pregnant. The books are a gift from Soha Ali Khan and my prenatal yoga instructor,” the actress said. Vogue India.
Talking about the work front, Richa Chadha was last seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Netflix series. Hiramandi: Diamond market. After that, the actress went on her maternity leave and welcomed her daughter Zunra in July this year.
Richa is now getting ready for the release of her upcoming film. The party has just started.