Lili Reinhart, known for her roles Riverdale And Hustlersis set to star in an upcoming social media thriller, American sweatshop, Created by Oscar winner Barry Levinson and showrunner Tom Fontana, the film sheds light on the sinister side of the Internet. deadline,
American sweatshopSet in a digital-dominated world, the film follows Daisy Moriarty (Reinhart) as she navigates her personal life while working in an industry that rates harmful social media content. With a quirky team of co-workers, Daisy sifts through millions of flagged posts with a mix of caution and dark humor. However, when a particularly violent video catches her attention, Daisy is forced out of her secure office and set on a dangerous journey to seek justice.
Emmy nominee Uta Briesewitz, known for her work stranger things And wheel of time, will direct the film. Written by Matthew Nemeth, production is scheduled to begin this summer in Cologne, Germany.
Reinhart expressed her enthusiasm for the project, highlighting the film’s inventive approach to the destabilizing effects of online violence.
“Many of us have a story to tell about experiencing the dark side of the Internet—and it’s horrifying how the violence we encounter on a daily basis is rewiring our brains . American Sweatshop tackles this topic in an inventive and engaging way that had me hooked from page one. I am thrilled to work with Uta on this timely and entertaining film”, he said.