Mumbai: Veteran director Rohit Shetty recently visited the New Parliament Building. The director has shared the video on his social media account Instagram. He also wrote in the caption of the video that the new parliament building of new India. It is not just the Parliament, it belongs to the whole of India. Feeling proud, honored and grateful.
User feedback
Commenting on this video, a user wrote that Sir, this is the new parliament building of new India. This is possible because of Modi ji, Satya Mev Jayate. Another user wrote that the new parliament building needs a parliament like you. Rohit Dada, if you are then there will be action on development too. Another user wrote that it seems that Rohit sir is going to make a film on it.
The actor visited the new parliament with Rohit Shetty
Before Rohit Shetty, actor and singer Ayushmann Khurrana visited the new Parliament. Meanwhile, he wrote that it is an honor to visit the Parliament. As a proud citizen of this country, this is a moment I will never forget. I found the experience of visiting the new Parliament very enriching. Parliament is the representation of the people of our country, so it was a very proud moment for me to walk around the magnificent Parliament and learn a lot about it.
Rohit Shetty is currently in the headlines for his upcoming film ‘Singham Again’. Ajay Devgan, Akshay Kumar, Tiger Shroff, Arjun Kapoor, Ranveer Singh, Kareena Kapoor and Deepika Padukone are going to play important roles in this film. Let us tell you that Rohit Shetty is known for action and comedy films. Tiger Shroff is playing an important role in this film.