November 27, 2024 06:35 PM IST
Aapetu-pateu, aapetu-pateu, aapetu-pateu, uh, uh-huh, uh-huh… we know you’re humming it, so might as well break out the drinks and call it a party!
Never miss. And that’s BLACKPINK Rosé’s limited but explosive list of singles. You don’t even need to be online for long to really catch the beat of your ears. it’s everywhere. And call it brain rot doom scrolling or just your subconscious mind keeping itself on trend, Apt. It’s a vibe and there are no two ways about it. But do you know what makes this song a notch above other reel-bangers? It’s actually inspired by a Korean drinking game. After all, who doesn’t love some good contemporary culture stories?
There are really only 4 things to keep in mind. Kick-off chants, numbers, counting and stacking. We say ‘only’ here because we don’t have drinks in our hands yet. When stacking up shots, it can seem very difficult to keep track of even this simple sequence – a good thing because it sets the stage for an unexpected comedy of errors. Now back to the game, it starts with the starter player who must chant, “(their name) favorite game, game on!” Sound familiar? Yes, the song also starts like this! After chanting the mantra a number will be called by them. Now for the fun part of hitting hands, everyone starts placing their hands on top of each other. The goal is to count the number called by the starter player. Whoever reaches the top of the pile with their hand must drink another drink. That’s it, that’s the game, and it sounds like the perfect little lovely affair for an evening out with friends. If you’re still a little confused as to how the sequence plays out, Rosé also recently shared a visual guide on how the game should proceed, and how much fun it could be.
So what’s stopping you? Gather your friends and start shouting Apateu-pateu, Apateu-pateu…