Mumbai: Bollywood actor Rajkumar Rao’s film ‘Shrikanth’ has been released in theaters on May 10. Now the first day collection of this film has come out. Along with this, Bade Mian Chote Mian and Maidan are entertaining the audience in cinemas. But now the pace of these films has slowed down.
Srikanth’s slow start
Srikanth’s story is based on the real life story of blind entrepreneur Srikanth Bola. Actor Srikanth is playing the role of Bola in the film. Made with a budget of around 40 crore rupees, this film has failed to make any significant collection on the first day. Srikanth has opened with Rs 2.25 crore. Now the film has to do well on the weekend to become a hit.
The star cast of the film
Apart from Rajkumar Rao, Srikanth Alaya F, Sharad Kelkar and Jyothika are in important roles. Bhushan Kumar, Krishna Kumar and Nidhi Parmar Hiranandani are the producers of this film. The story of this film has been written by Jagdeep Sidhu and Sumit Purohit.
Big Miyan Small Miyan Collection
Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff’s film ‘Bade Mian Chote Mian’ has failed to cast its spell on the audience. Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, the film was made on a budget of Rs 350 crore. According to the latest data, the film has earned only Rs 1 lakh on the 30th day. With this, the total earnings of the film have increased to Rs 64.71 crore.
Area business
Ajay Devgan’s ‘Maidaan’ had a slow start on its first day of release and then lagged behind in terms of earnings. Maidan has earned Rs 20 lakhs on its 30th day of release. The total business of the film has now reached Rs 50.35 crore.